From WinBolo
The Tracker is a server software application that stores a list of active games. It is how the WinBolo clients receive a list of active games when using the built in tracker search function.
The current official tracker address is: running on port 50000
The tracker also provide a HTML output on:[1]
The Tracker Source Code is available.
Contents |
The tracker uses a combination of UDP and TCP for receiving updates from WinBolo servers as well as responding to game list requests from clients.
The tracker listens for Information Packets via UDP that are sent from the WinBolo servers. Servers provide updates every 3 minutes and games are purged after 10 minutes of no activity.
The tracker listens for TCP requests and sends back a human readable list of games. The format of the list is in the format of <ITEM>=<VALUE> and each line is separated by a set of new line characters. (\r\n)
Field | Value |
TVERSION | Version of the tracker information. Version 1 the most current version of the tracker information format. |
MOTDL | Number of lines in the Message of the day. |
MOTD | Each line of the message of the day. |
GAMEXXX | Address,port of the games server. The XXX represents the sequence number. 000 for he first game |
VERSION | Version of WinBolo running. |
MAP | Name of the map being played. |
PLAYERS | Number of players in the game. |
BASES | Number of free bases in the game. |
PILLBOXES | Number of free pillboxes in the game. |
HIDMINES | Whether hidden mines are enabled or not. |
BRAINS | Whether brains are allowed (no/yes/yesAdv) |
DELAY | Game start delay. |
TIMELIMIT | Timelimit on the game. (-1 unlimited) |
STARTTIME | Time the game was started. |
An example of the tracker output is below.
TVERSION=1 MOTDL=2 MOTD=This is line 1 of the message of the day MOTD=This is line 2 of the message of the day NGAMES=2,27500 VERSION=1.01 MAP=Test Map TYPE=Tournament PLAYERS=5 BASES=5 PILLBOXES=5 HIDMINES=no PASSWORD=yes BRAINS=yesAdv DELAY=60 LIMIT=-1 STARTTIME=8,50000 VERSION=1.01 MAP=Everard Island TYPE=Open PLAYERS=3 BASES=11 PILLBOXES=10 HIDMINES=yes PASSWORD=no BRAINS=no DELAY=60 LIMIT=-1 STARTTIME=8
Windows Compilation
You will need to download the PThreads for Windows files.
Place the header files in your INCLUDES directory and the .dll and .lib files into your LIBRARY directory.
- The first WinBolo tracker was written in Visual Basic by Plastic Fist and later maintained by Andrew Roth. It ran for two years on a windows 95 desktop in Jolo's office at Duke University.
- Older versions of the tracker outputted the STARTTIME parameter as a non-readable two byte