From WinBolo
How to write Brains for WinBolo
- BrainTemplate provides a skeleton application for WinBolo applications.
- vfwSpeilborg provides a skeleton for developing borgs. (Handles keyboard processing)
What is below is from the WinBolo documentation.
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What are "Plug-In Brains?"
WinBolo supports plug-in 'brain' modules to drive WinBolo tanks, to allow:
- One player games against a number of 'AI' tanks.
- Two player games, where each player commands a platoon of AI tanks.
- 'Core War' style tournaments where people compete to write the best AI algorithms.
Sample code is provided. At this stage it is a basic brain template which authors can build on top of. A replacement Standard Autopilot will be added in future revisions.
How to write plug-in 'brain' modules to drive WinBolo tanks.
Each plug-in brain module is a separate file, stored in the "Brains" folder.
The file is a standard Win32 DLL but with the extension changed to "BRN". When the user selects your brain from the "Tank Control" menu in Bolo, your brain is loaded via LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress() calls.
A single parameter is passed on the stack to your brain. You should declare your main routine thus:
__declspec( dllexport ) short BrainMain(const BrainInfo *brainInfo)
The structure you are passed looks like this:
typedef struct { u_short BoloVersion; // two hex bytes, eg. 0x0098 means version 0.98 u_short InfoVersion; // current version of the BrainInfo structure is 1 void *userdata; // Initially points to address of your CODE resource u_short padding1; // unused at present u_short PrefsVRefNum; u_char *PrefsFileName; u_short operation; // 0=OPEN, 1=CLOSE, 2=THINK, 200+ menu u_short menu_item; ... // (see accompanying header files for more details) } BrainInfo;
BoloVersion is passed for informational value only. Most Brains should not care what version of Bolo is running. You should however check that InfoVersion indicates a version of the BrainInfo structure that your code understands. If your codes does not understand the InfoVersion then you should return a non-zero error code from the "OPEN" call.
The userdata field, PrefsVRefNum and PresFileName are unused. It is requested that if a brain author needs to keep a preference file they do so in a ini file stored in users Windows directory.
A lot more information is passed in the BrainInfo structure, although most of it will only be relevant to the "THINK" call.
The operation codes.
The first call, made once, immediately after the brain is loaded. If you wish to offer user-configurability, you may add a menu to the menu bar. The menu items ID's must start at 2001 for the first entry and be sequentially higher for each additional entry. If you fail to set your entries correctly then requests for your menu items may not be heard or misinterpreted for one of WinBolo's own menu items. Return zero if initialization was successful, or non-zero if it failed (eg. insufficient memory, failed resource loading). If non-zero is returned, your code will not be called again (not even a CLOSE message), so you must tidy up before returning.
1: CLOSE Called once as the final call when the user turns off your brain. You should ensure that all allocated memory is released, all menus are removed etc.
2: THINK. This, the most important call, is done as frequently as the load on the Macintosh will allow. Each time, information describing the current start of the world around the tank is given, and your code should decide what action to take.
200: MENU Called when the user chooses an item from your menu. The number of the item which was selected from the menu is given in "menu_item".
The THINK message
Every time through the main event loop, WinBolo will send you a THINK message. This means that you are subject to the vagaries of the Windows process scheduling mechanism. If another application holds the CPU for a long time, or the user performs some action which hogs the machine, then it is possible that you might not get any calls for a significant length of time. You should be aware of this limitation, and users should be aware that if they overload the machine then AI routines will not perform very well. A corollary of this is that YOU can hog the CPU for a long time if you wish. However, WinBolo is a real-time game. If you spend too long deciding what to do, then your tank will have been shot and destroyed by the time you make up your mind. A good guideline is no more than a tenth of a second of thinking time per call. If you want to be very ambitious and do dynamic adjustment, you can use GetTickCount to measure the passage of time, and return when some suitable Length of time has passed.
The information you are passed is basically a software interface to the information that a human player has available visually.
The maximum number of players is given because it controls the size of the player bitmap structures used for messages and alliances. It may also be useful to determine your memory allocation needs.
You are told your tank's current position, speed, direction, whether it is on a boat etc. You are told your current tank stocks and other status information.
If newtank is non-zero it indicates that your tank was just killed, and this is new tank you are controlling. This is done so that your algorithm is not hopelessly confused to find itself suddenly on a boat out in the deep sea. Your first THINK message after the OPEN call will have this 'new tank' indication set.
If there is a friendly base within range, then its position and stocks are given. Otherwise base will be NULL.
If man_status is zero, the man is in the tank, ready for action. If man_status is one, then your man is dead and a new man is parachuting in. If man_status is any other value, then the man is outside the tank, building, in which case man_direction gives the direction of travel of the man, and (man_x, man_y) gives his current position.
If (*pillview) is non-negative, then the view you are given is centred on the pillbox with the given number. If (*pillview) is -1 then the view is centred on your tank. To change where your next view will come from, set (*pillview) to the desired value. You may attempt to view from a dead pillbox (or one you don't own) if you wish, but you will not see anything. (Your view will return to the tanks) - Note: At the moment WinBolo will change the screens view to be the pill selected.
The array of TERRAIN squares is given as horizontal rows, from top to bottom, with the squares running left to right in each row (similar to the map file format). The map view information shows you everything within 14 squares of the tank -- ie anything a human could see by scrolling the tank view around with the cursor keys. For pillbox views, the visibility range is restricted to 7 squares in every direction, as it is for humans. The bytes of the array have the values given below. The top bit of the byte will be set if the square has a mine (that you can see) on it.
For each object you can see, you are told its position, and some information. Your own tank is not included in the array of objects. All friendly pillboxes and bases are included in the array, even if currently beyond visual range.
typedef u_short OBJECT; enum { OBJECT_TANK=0, OBJECT_SHOT, OBJECT_PILLBOX, OBJECT_REFBASE, OBJECT_BUILDMAN, OBJECT_PARACHUTE }; #define OBJECT_HOSTILE 1 // Object is hostile to us #define OBJECT_NEUTRAL 2 // Object is not loyal to any other player // Note that being neutral means that an object has no particular loyalty // to any player -- whether it is hostile or friendly to us is an orthogonal // question. Currently, neutral refuelling bases are friendly to everyone // and neutral pillboxes are hostile to everyone. typedef struct { OBJECT object; WORLD_X x; WORLD_Y y; WORD idnum; BYTE direction; BYTE info; } ObjectInfo;
For tanks, pillboxes, refuelling bases, and men, an identifying number is given, which ranges from zero to the number of that kind of object minus one. One useful fact is that man number n is owned by tank number n.
For tanks and shots the approximate direction of travel is given. For pillboxes the 'direction' value gives the pillbox's current strength, in the range 0-15, as can be determined by human players looking at the graphics on the screen. For refuling bases, the 'direction' value will be zero if the base is dead and capturable, and non-zero otherwise. Unlike pillboxes, it does not tell you the exact strength of the base, only a rough approximation. For building men, the 'direction' value is unused.
Bit 0 of the info field (OBJECT_HOSTILE) is set if the object is hostile,
and clear if it is friendly.
Bit 1 of the info field (OBJECT_NEUTRAL) is set if the object is neutral --
ie it is not currently 'owned' by any player.
MessageInfo structure
If a message was sent to you then the MessageInfo pointer will be non-null, and will point to a MessageInfo structure as described below.
</pre>typedef struct { u_short sender; PlayerMap *receivers; u_char *message; } MessageInfo; </pre> The sender field tells you which player sent the message. You may examine playernames[sender] to find out the ASCII name of that player. The receivers field points to a bit map indicating which players the message was sent to, and the text of the message is given by the message field.
Controlling the tank
Macros are provided to set bits in the BoloKeyMap structure. Each bit corresponds to a tank control -- accelerate, decelerate, turn, shoot, etc. Setting a bit in the holdkeys structure is equivalent to the user holding that key down (until you clear the bit explicitly). Setting a bit in the tapkeys structure is equivalent to the user tapping the key briefly (for about 1/12th of a second). This can be useful for things like firing a single shot.
Building Control
If the action field is zero, you may set the x and y coordinates to the location you wish to build at, and set the action field to the operation you wish the man to perform. When the man has been dispatched from the tank to do the building, the action field will be reset to zero, and you may then queue up the next action, to be performed when the man returns.
The field "PlayerBitMap *allies" tells you who you are currently allied to. At this point WinBolo does not support brains requesting or accepting alliances. This will be changed in subsequent releases.
Sending messages
messagedest points to a bitmap of flags as described above. For each tank you want to send to, set the appropriate bit in the bitmap. If sendmessage[0] is zero then you may write a message into the buffer it points to. The message should be a pascal string -- ie sendmessage[0] will then contain the length of the string. When the message has been sent, sendmessage[0] will be reset to zero. You can send a message to yourself only for the purpose of displaying debugging messages, if necessary.
A note on types
Directions are given as single bytes, with the circle divided into 256 divisions. 0 is North, 64 is East, 128 is South, 192 is West, and 255 is all the way around, almost back to due North.
MAP coordinates are 8 bits each for X and Y, and the unit is one map square. 0,0 is the top left corner of the 'world', and coordinates increase downwards and to the right. 255,255 is the bottom right corner of the world. The position of pillboxes and refueling bases are given in MAP coordinates, since they are constrained to lie on map squares.
WORLD coordinates are 16 bits each for X and Y. They are a higher resolution version of MAP coordinates, used for objects such as tanks which can move on a finer grid than whole map squares. Like MAP coordinates, WORLD coordinates start with 0,0 in the top left, increasing downwards and to the right. 256 WORLD coordinate units make one MAP coordinate unit, so effectively the top byte of the WORLD coordinate gives the MAP square, and the low byte gives the location within the square.
The coordinates given for objects like tanks and shots give the position of the centre of the object.
Other Notes for Brain Authors
MessageBox() calls.should be used with care. It is because MessageBox calls do not return until the user clicks OK in them. This causes your brain to sit there and wait for control to be returned to them from the message box. That inturn causes WinBolo to sit and wait for your brain to return. In future versions it may prove better to set a thread for brain communication but for the moment avoid MessageBox() calls. A better solution is to create a dialog box template with no owner and show and hide the dialog box as required. The BrainTemplate.c file provides more information on how to do this.
Debugging: You debug a brain you can simply compile the debug version of the brain in the Brains folder and set the breakpoints. The same process used to debug any DLL can be used. It should be noted that like MessageBox calls WinBolo will sit and wait for your brain to return. If this takes a long time WinBolo must play "catch up" and will appear to lock up while it is doing so. It is strongly recommended that brains be perfected in Single Player mode before they are tested under networked conditions.
Testing: Brains was a last minute addition to WinBolo before its initial release. As such there has been limited testing of the Brain interface. Please report any bugs to me via the usual bug reporting system. (All components have been tested individually and they work)
A sample Brain Template is included in this folder. Also a zip file containing the original MacBolo Standard Autopilot brain. It has not been modified and thus wont compile. It is provided as an example of creating AI brains. Source code to a Windows version will be included in a subsequent releases. More sample brain code can be found at the official Bolo ftp server at: <> (Does this even exist any more?)